Monday Tutorials

Seven pre-conference tutorials will be given on Monday. They are all half-day tutorials in the afternoon. Participants can attend any tutorial and may move between tutorials during the session. Please select one initial tutorial when you register for our planning purposes.

The titles, organisers, speakers, and abstracts of the tutorials are given hereafter:

All tutorials run in parallel in accordance with the timetable below.

Rooms will be signposted.

13:30 Tutorial and Conference Registration
14:00-15:30 Tutorials
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Tutorials
18:00–21:00 Welcome Reception & PhD Forum

For further information please contact:

Monday Tutorials Chair
Mehdi Tahoori, KIT, DE
monday-tutorialsatdate-conference [dot] com (monday-tutorials[at]date-conference[dot]com)

Start Title Room
FM09 FDSOI IP SoC Day Saint-Nizier
FM04 Advancing Diversity in EDA Alpe d'Huez
M01 Early System Reliability Analysis for Cross-layer Soft Errors Resilience in Microprocessor Systems Lesdiguières
M03 Data Analytics for Scalable Computing Systems Design: Challenges, Opportunities, and Solutions Berlioz
M04 Security in the Post-Quantum Era: Threats and Countermeasures Villard de Lans 2
M06 HEPSYCODE: HW/SW CO-DEsign of HEterogeneous Parallel Dedicated Systems Autrans 1
M07 Evolutionary computing for EDA Autrans 2
M08 An industry approach to deploying deep learning network on FPGA Chamrousse
FM01 Welcome Reception & PhD Forum, hosted by EDAA, ACM SIGDA, and IEEE CEDA Lunch Area