FM01 Welcome Reception & PhD Forum, hosted by EDAA, ACM SIGDA, and IEEE CEDA
Lunch Area
FM01.1 Session 1
FM01.1.1 Networks-on-Chip for Heterogeneous 3D Systems-on-Chip
FM01.1.2 Intelligent Scheduling Algorithms for Energy Optimization in Smart Grid
FM01.1.3 Enhanced Detection and Prevention Techniques to Ensure a Secured Hardware with Improved Performance Metrics
FM01.1.4 QoS-aware Cross-layer Reliability-integrated Design of Heterogeneous Embedded Systems
FM01.1.5 Design and implementation aspects of post-quantum cryptography
FM01.1.6 Security implications of power management systems in multicore devices
FM01.1.7 Towards Sustainable Logic Encryption in an Age of Mistrust
FM01.1.8 Architectures And Automation For Beyond-CMOS Technologies
FM01.1.9 On-chip Thermal Monitoring and Optimization for New-generation Manycore Systems
FM01.1.10 Instruction-Level Abstraction (ILA): A Uniform Specification for System-on-Chip (SoC) Verification
FM01.1.11 A Formal Approach towards Pattern Guided Scheduling in Embedded Control Systems