Here you can find all frequently asked questions.
If your question is not listed here, please use the Contact form and contact the webmaster.
- 001 - General - Some words on the new Structure / Concept
Welcome to the DATE 2020 Conference & Exhibition area as part of the DATE Platform!
Please find below more details why you should register and what your benefits are.
The DATE platform describes the accumulation of Conference & Exhibition, and Exhibitor / Press area for a specific year. As years go by you will have the option of stepping through the past with exactly the same settings (i.e. user rights) as you had in that year.
Per default, the Conference & Exhibition menu item is linked to the current year. When you click on it, the DATE area block including all items relevant for that year's topic appears on the right-hand side (this also holds for the other left-hand side menu items under DATE Platforms, provided you have been granted the respective rights).
If you visit the DATE web-portal as a guest, you have access to all public news and information. If you register as a website user (it's free) you have also access to more specific news and information, distributed on the basis of granted rights and user roles.
A basic concept of the new website is to provide the user with content that can be targeted to the personal needs. When you registered as a user you will notice you personal DATE profile. Your DATE profile is the space where you can make yourself at home. Contents provided at the DATE web-portal can be filtered to your personal needs via the personal DATE profile (please find below also "Why should I enter a profile?"). The DATE web-portal uses the technical DATE profile to filter the information provided to your personal technical needs (please also see our Privacy Statement).
And, there is no risk involved. As also stated in the Privacy Statement you can change or delete your DATE profile at any time. If you however delete it, we can not restore it since it is physically wiped from the server's database.
So please try out what the new web-portal offers. We further would very much appreciate your input on features and enhancements to understand and serve the needs of the nano-electronic community.
For input, questions, suggestions please contact webmaster
date-conference [dot] com (webmaster[at]date-conference[dot]com).
- 002 - General - Why should I register? What is my benefit?
Please note: The concept of the DATE web-portal is based on roles and related permissions.
If you register on the DATE web-portal (it is free!) you get access to several features:
- You are enabled to enter your DATE profile, which you can make public (or keep it hidden)
- You have access to all proceedings from past DATE conferences free of charge.
- You can subscribe and unsubscribe to DATE Newsletters.
- You can register to the DATE Conference and Exhibition.
- You can apply for non-public areas (access will be granted by the group admin)
- You can enter your company profile (if you are an exhibitor).
These are just some of the features. Register to discover more of the DATE Web-Portal benefits.
Please see also our Privacy Statement.
- 003 - General - What will happen with my data?
DATE uses the provided information to customize the content you see, improve our services, contact you, conduct research, and provide anonymous reporting for internal and external clients.
DATE does not rent, sell, or share personal information about you with other people or non-affiliated companies except to provide services you have requested, when we have your permission. DATE explicitly does not provide any personal information to an external news provider when you interact with or view a targeted piece of data.
You can edit your DATE profile data at any time. You can delete your DATE profile at any time. Please note that we can not restore your DATE profile once you have deleted it since all user data is deleted physically.
- 004 - General - Why should I enter a DATE profile?
In short: With your DATE profile you can edit your DATE profile at any time.
For more details please refere to "Why should you specify your DATE profile at the DATE website?" below
- 005 - Why should you specify your DATE profile at the DATE website?
Please let us first ensure you that we give most concern to your privacy. We will not rent, sell, or share personal information except to provide services you have requested, when we have your permission (please also see our Privacy Statement).
DATE uses the provided information (your DATE profile) to customize the content you see. By specifying your DATE profile you tell us what your professional tasks and your technical interests are.
When news, information, (and probably additional services in the future) are intended to be provided on the DATE website they are classified according to the potential user interest-list.
By doing so DATE provides you with only the information that you are interested in. If you for example are from the analog department, you probably have no interest in receiving embedded software tool exhibitor news. If however you do want to receive embedded as well, simply change your DATE profile accordingly.
What is more, in the future we will also enable a classified view into the past. So if you have been an analog engineer in the past, all last-year’s DATE content was filtered to be of analog content. If you are now working in system design, the respective change in your DATE profile will show you the system design content when accessing last-year’s DATE. Of course you can always switch back to your initial view by changing the DATE profile again.
We do intend to enlarge the customized features in the future so that you feel “at home” when you log-in to the DATE website.
In doing so our basic principle is Trust. You are maintaining your data, you can edit or delete it at any time, and as already said, we do not give your data away to any third-party.
If you have any concerns or input please contact us.
- 006 - General - What does the red asterix mean?
When you have to enter information into a field (like in the Contact Form), the red asterisk indicates that these fields are mandatory.
- 007 - General - On the old webpage I could not properly subscribe or unsubscribe from DATE emails. Is this issue fixed by now?
Yes! When you log-in and navigate to your DATE profile you can manage and see your (current) subscriptions. You can subscribe or unsubscribe to newsletters at any time. Furthermore we will provide an unsubscribe-link at the bottom of every email we will send to you.
- 008 - General - I want to publish an article / news on the DATE web-portal... what to do?
Please download our DATE News Kit (zip, 73 kb). In it you will find
- Guidelines for submitting news (format, structure)
- Guidelines for classifying news topics
- News Template for Word
- News Template for plain text
- Example Picture
- Readme
Please read the Guidelines and send your guideline-conform content to webmaster
date-conference [dot] com (webmaster[at]date-conference[dot]com)
Please note that all content has to be approved by the Publicity Chair.
- 009 - Exhibition - How can I get the status of an exhibitor?
For more information about Exhibition and Sponsorship opportunities and the most recent floor plan please contact:
Conference Organization - Exhibition and Sponsorship
Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
datekitdresden [dot] de (date[at]kitdresden[dot]de)
All members of the exhibition area have access to all the exhibitor related information. One person from your exhibitor staff can edit the company profile.
- 010 - Press - Are there any requirements to get access to the Press area?
Yes, there are. As you will receive free access to the DATE Conference and Exhibition as a media representative, there are certain requirements which have to be met.
Please see the DATE Media Qualification Requirements and be prepared to provide proof of your media status according to the document when registering for the Press area.
If you are an accredited journalist and would like to register for DATE please contact the Press Chair directly for approval.
Conference Organization - Registration
Anja Zeun, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
date-registrationkitdresden [dot] de (date-registration[at]kitdresden[dot]de)
phone: +49 351 65573 -137
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