W03 Second DATE workshop on Autonomous Systems Design (ASD 2020)



ASD 2020  is  the  2nd  international  workshop  on  Autonomous  Systems  Design. It is part of a two-day special initiative at DATE on Autonomous Systems Design.  The  goal of the workshop is to explore recent industrial and academic methods and methodologies in autonomous systems design.

The ASD 2020 workshop has an open call for papers and we invite interested contributors to submit papers to the workshop related, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Design for autonomous systems including processes, modeling, optimization, verification, validation, and test.
  • Embedded and cyber-physical systems platforms that implement and execute the autonomous system functions including their architectures, hardware, software, and communication.
  • Dependable  systems  design  for  autonomous  systems  including,  but  not  limited  to, functional  safety  concepts,  fail-operational  systems  design,  functional  safety  for  applications with machine learning, safe and secure changes and updates, autonomous systems security.
  • Techniques based on AI and robotics for autonomy.

To emphasize the workshop character, position papers and problem statements elaborating challenges in the design practices are also welcome. We want to specifically introduce an ”Industrial Challenges” session and also ask for problem demos from industry to be presented in  ASD.  

”Demo  Papers”  as  well  as  ”Industrial  Practice  Papers”  of  2-4  pages  are  hence welcome. 

Accepted papers will be published in collaboration with Dagstuhl’s OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs), free and open access online proceedings.  The papers will be referenced in major databases such as DBLP.  

Submission Instructions:  http://asd.userweb.mwn.de/workshop.html

Steering Committee

• Rolf Ernst, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany

• Selma Saidi, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

• Dirk Ziegenbein, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany


ASD 2020 Workshop Program

Friday, 13th of March 2020, Alpexpo Grenoble

ASD-02 Keynote: "Autonomy: one step beyond on commercial aviation"

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ASD-03 Introduction to Demos

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  • UNICARagil project:  Armin Mokhtarian (RWTH Aachen)
  • Mathworks
  • Alexandre Donzé (Decyphir): Breach
  • Philipp Weiß (Technical University of Munich): Fail-operational Automotive Software
  • Christian Laugier (INRIA Grenoble): Autonomous Driving Demonstration: Focus on the Embedded Bayesian Perception component
  • Andy Pimentel (University of Amsterdam), Martina Maggio (Lund University), Juan Valverde (United Technology Research Center): Autonomous Adaption and Morphing of Embedded Systems

ASD-04 Coffee Break

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ASD-05 Autonomy in Automotive

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ASD-05.1 Fusion: A Safe and Secure Software Platform for Autonomous Driving


Speaker/Authors: Philipp Mundhenk (1), Enrique Parodi (1), Roland Schabenberger (1)

Affiliation: (1) Autonomous Intelligent Driving GmbH, Germany

ASD-05.2 Towards a Reliable and Context-Based System Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles


Speaker/Authors: Tobias Kain (1), Julian-Steffen Müller (1), Philipp Mundhenk (2), Hans Tompits (3),  Maximilian Wesche (1) and Hendrik Decke (1)

Affiliations: (1) Volkswagen AG, Germany; (2) Autonomous Intelligent Driving GmbH, Germany; (3) Technische Universität Wien, Austria

ASD-05.3 Embedded Bayesian Perception and Decision-making system for Autonomous Vehicles


Speaker: Christian Laugier (1)

Affiliation: (1) INRIA Grenoble, France

ASD-06 Lunch Break

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ASD-08 Safety-Critical Heterogeneous Computing for Aerospace

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Speaker: Phil Harris (1)

Affiliation: (1) United Technologies Research Centre Ireland (UTRC)

ASD-09 Coffee Break

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ASD-10 Engineering of Autonomous Systems

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ASD-10.1 BreachFlows: Systematic Simulation-Based Testing with Formal Requirements For CPS


Speaker: Alexandre Donze (1)  

Affiliation: (1) Decyphir, USA

ASD-10.2 Agile Requirement Engineering for a Cloud System for Automated and Networked Vehicles


Speaker/Authors: Armin Mokhtarian (1), Alexandru Kampmann (1), Bassam Alrifaee (1), Bastian Lampe (1), Lutz Eckstein (1) and Stefan Kowalewski (1)

Affiliation: (1) RWTH Aachen University, Germany

ASD-10.3 Systematic Physical-World Testing of Autonomous Driving Systems


Speaker: Cong Liu (1)

Affiliation: (1) University of Texas at Dallas, USA

ASD-11 Open Floor Panel: Autonomy in Avionics and Automotive: Happy Marriage or Consensual Divorce?

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