Welcome to the DATE 2020 Website

Authors' Guidelines for Camera-Ready Submission of Accepted Papers

Deadline: 28 November 2019 23:59:59 CET

Your submission for DATE 2020 has been accepted. Congratulations!

This page contains instructions to prepare the final material required to publish your contribution in time for the conference.

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Event Overview

Welcome to DATE 2020

General Chair
Giorgio Di Natale, CNRS/TIMA, FR
giorgio [dot] di-nataleatuniv-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr (giorgio[dot]di-natale[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Programme Chair
Cristiana Bolchini, Politecnico di Milano, IT
papersatdate-conference [dot] com (papers[at]date-conference[dot]com)

DATE 2020 Preliminary Programme

Keynotes: https://www.date-conference.com/keynotes

Monday Tutorials: https://www.date-conference.com/conference/monday-tutorials

PhD Forum: https://www.date-conference.com/fringe-meeting-fm01

Conference Programme: https://www.date-conference.com/programme

Overview Special Days, Executive & Special Sessions: https://www.date-conference.com/special

Wednesday Special Day on "Embedded AI": Sessions 5.1, 6.1, 7.0, 7.1, 8.1

Thursday Special Day on "Silicon Photonics": Sessions 9.1, 10.1, 11.0, 11.1, 12.1

Special Initiative on "Autonomous Systems Design": Sessions 9.2, 10.2, 11.2, 12.2, W03

Exhibition Theatre: https://www.date-conference.com/exhibition/exhibition-theatre

Friday Workshops: https://www.date-conference.com/conference/friday-workshops

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DATE Party | Networking Event

The DATE Party traditionally states one of the highlights of the DATE week. As one of the main networking opportunities during the DATE week, it is a perfect occasion to meet friends and colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere while enjoying local amenities. It is scheduled on __Important_Date_Event_Wednesday__, from 19:00 to 23:00.

This year, it will take place at the SUMMUM, which is located within the Alpexpo Park.

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PhD Forum - Call for Submissions

The PhD forum is hosted by the European Design Automation Association (EDAA), the ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation (SIGDA), and the IEEE Council on Electronic Design Automation (CEDA). The forum is a great opportunity for PhD students who have completed their PhD thesis within the last 12 months or who are close to complete their thesis to present their work to a broad audience in the system design and design automation community from both industry and academia. The forum may also help students to establish contacts for entering the job market. In addition, representatives from industry and academia get a glance of state-of-the-art in system design and design automation.

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Venue and Hotels


The Alpexpo Congress Centre will host the five day event DATE 2020. It is located in close proximity to central Grenoble and provides a modern, well equipped location for DATE. It is easily accessible and well-connected by public transport.

Parc Événementiel de Grenoble
Avenue d'Innsbruck - CS 52408
38034 Grenoble cedex 2

The city of Grenoble, which is surrounded by outstanding natural beauty of the Alps, is one of Europe’s major scientific centres. It states the key European semiconductor site with more than 38,000 people in micro and nano technologies (24,000) and embedded software (14,000). It is home to both the Joseph Fourier University, which is one of France’s leading scientific Universities and the Grenoble Institute of Technology which trains in excess of 5,000 engineers per annum in key technology disciplines. Minatec is a centre for innovation for micro and nano technology and has a locally based campus in combination with a network of companies, researchers and engineering schools. Grenoble provides the second largest research centre in France. There are 15 research centres and universities (CEA-Leti – 1,500 researchers, TIMA, Verimag) as well as some 100 startup companies located in the area in addition to 117 companies – 81% of which are SME’s. DATE is working closely with local industry to increase the visibility of the event and to maximize quality visitor attendance.

For more information on Grenoble Alpes ecosystem visit: https://www.investingrenoblealpes.com

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DATE Proceedings

All DATE Proceedings will also be publically available two years after DATE! Meanwhile you will find current proceedings at IEEE Xplore Digital Library or ACM Digital Library!

The publically available proceedings are here:

DATE 2020 Proceedings will be available

Access Proceedings also from

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Exhibitor Manual

Dear Exhibitor,

Welcome to the DATE 2020 online Exhibitor Manual. The manual contains all relevant information such as important dates and times, contacts and order forms. In case of any missing information or for any other requests, please contact the Exhibition and Sponsorship Management.

Our aim is to make your participation in DATE 2020 and your stay on-site at the conference as effective and worthwhile as possible.

For information about Exhibition and Sponsorship opportunities and the most recent floor plan please contact the DATE Exhibition and Sponsorship Management.

We wish you a very successful DATE 2020

Conference Organization - Exhibition and Sponsorship
Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE
dateatkitdresden [dot] de (date[at]kitdresden[dot]de)

The DATE 2020 Exhibitor Manual will be available for download here starting from January, 2020.

Meanwhile further information are available in the DATE 2020 Exhibition & Sponsorship Brochure.

All exhibitors are invited to submit a proposal as soon as possible for the Exhibition Theatre. Typical contributions are panel sessions (submitters provide topic of the session, abstract describing the session, names and affiliations of panellists; duration is 60 min) and testimonials (20 min talks given by someone (typically a customer) who used specific tools and/or methodology in one of his projects and reports about his design and the results of his project. The programme combines expert panel sessions and customers’ testimonials. The aim is to offer exhibition visitors a fresh view on the key industrial and business issues in the electronic systems design market. The Exhibition Theatre is a open presentation forum located in the Exhibition Hall and is a purpose built room that is fully equipped with AV.

Exhibition Theatre Chair
Jürgen Haase, edacentrum, DE
exhibition-theatreatdate-conference [dot] com (exhibition-theatre[at]date-conference[dot]com)

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